For Students

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Letters of Reference

In general, I will write letters of reference for students who have taken a class with me. However, in your own best interest, you should always try to get letters from professors who know you well. You should also ask yourself if I will really write a good letter for you if you got a B or lower in my class.

For a letter for graduate or law school, I require from you:

  1. a CV that emphasizes your academic and extracurricular achievements if they are relevant or make you stand out in some way.
  2. a copy or scan of your transcripts (an unofficial printout is fine)
  3. a copy of any papers you may have written for my classes.
  4. a detailed statement of about one page outlining why you want to apply for admission to this particular school, and why you have chosen this career. Feel free to copy and paste from your statement of interest. The easier you make it for me to identify your unique strengths and interests, the better your letter will be.

Always fill out your part on all the forms. I will not fill them out for you, and I take no responsibility if the application is discarded because of missing data on forms. If you ask for a letter less than four weeks in advance of the deadline, it is unlikely that I will be able to send it on time.